

The idea for this website was created when a few friends of mine were in my dorm room. Someone brought up the question of whether knowing what people thought of them would be a good or bad thing. The general consensus was that it would not be as fun of a superpower as most would first think. The purpose of this website is to prove my friends wrong. I believe that people’s friends think more highly of them than they do of themselves.

In other words, I believe your friend’s would rate you higher than you would rate yourself.

That’s all this website is for now, but I hope to expand in the near future. User pages, posting abilities so users can upload playlists, pictures, videos, and more to be rated, friending abilities so that users can stay connected to their friends more easily, and many more features are already in the process, and although I’m a coding novice, I think the vast majority of my ideas can be implemented in the near(ish) future.


Q: Does my email do anything for signup?
A: No. Nothing at all right now. Stay tuned, this may change.

Q: I have/see a rating with an average over 10?
See bug information below

Q: Where’s your support page?
A: Don’t have one. Call me on the number on the home page, or email smithh83@msu.edu

Q: How is Henry Smith so smart, funny, attractive…?
A: My MVP parents built me different.


– If one user enters a username in the right-side form, and then another user also enters that username in the same form, if both users rate the username the rating will combine into one, meaning if one user gave an 8 average and the other gave a 10, the average it will show is 18. This will be annoying if enough people use this, so hopefully it will get fixed soon.

**** In the mean time, if you are experiencing this issue^ ****
Your options are to:
– Create a new username with a new random email (start fresh)
– Give yourself purposefully bad ratings to make it back to at/below 10
– Keep it like that and hope nobody tanks your score. I mean, when this site gets famous, you’ll want to have that glitched account.
– Call/email me and have me wipe it if you really mess up. Also, tell me how it happened. I might pay if someone finds a new bug.

Past (Fixed):

– Users could give infinitely negative scores
– Website literally didn’t work for a week and a half